Games of Change

Premium Game

Score a Goal

A digital Score a Goal game lets users attempt to score against a virtual goalie to win prizes or discounts. It blends interactive gameplay with instant rewards.

Score a Goal Features

Custom design

Set up your first online Score a Goal game in hours with ready-made templates, or build your own 100% on-brand promotion.

Share anywhere

Hosted by us, but promoted by you. Embed on your website, post to social or in emails or keep it private and select who can enter with our InviteLink technology.

Personalize and Automate

Personalize the experience with placeholders, automate emails after each entry, distribute your own unique discount codes or e-gift cards to winners.

Set the winning probabilities

Choose the number of outcomes on your Score a Goal game and easily set the winning odds.

Collect Opt In Marketing Data

Create entry forms to collect any data or opt in permissions or control entry with our InviteLink technology. Make it personal or anonymous – you’re in control.

Easily Integrate​

Connect with Zapier for 4000+ popular tools like Salesforce, Hubspot & Mailchimp or integrate gamification into your application with our API.

GDPR Compliant

Build your Marketing Database

Grow your lead funnel with your own branded Score a Goal game. Choose what data to collect and what GDPR-compliant permissions to request.

Automate invites to play after online or in-store purchases and learn more about your existing customers, driving repeat businesses with discount codes or target offers.

Control who gets to play

Reward loyal customers and staff

We all like to be recognized, and your customers, partners, and employees are no different.

Reward loyalty with fun gamified promotions to incentivize existing customers to return or capture insights to help tailor your future marketing to each individual’s interests and location.

You’re in full control and can even create automated ways to send unique invite links triggered by events in your own applications or third-party tools like Salesforce, Hubspot, Shopify, and thousands more.


Try Grabber Demo​

Grabber the animals

Want a game that wheelie works? Well try out this prize wheel to see what segment you land on. We’ve made our demo extra rewarding. 


Try Score a Goal

Score a Goal

A digital Score a Goal game lets users attempt to score against a virtual goalie to win prizes or discounts.

Benefits of Score a Goal & Gamification in Marketing

Learn how the Score a Goal can be used in your marketing mix.

People like and enjoy playing games. By using gamified interactive promotions, you can attract new customers in a fun and original way. Rather than feeling marketed or sold to, the right game or promotion will engage your audience in a task or behavior.

While your customer goes through your promotion, you can share messages or updates in an authentic and timely way.

Gamification is a great way to influence behavior, actions and buying decisions.

Some types of gamified promotions are more effective than others. For example, when trying to engage existing audiences vs generating lots of new leads and conversions you need to choose the right method that relates to your target outcome.

Not every promotion will be effective for all audiences. Consider what promotion will be most appropriate for your target audience and your marketing goals.

One of the greatest benefits of gamification is the ability to collect actionable insights about your target audience in a fun and non-intrusive way. Demonstrate the ROI of your promotions by analyzing and clearly reporting the performance of your interactive promotions.

By using custom forms after entering your promotion you can collect GDPR compliant opt-in data and insights about your audience and prospects in a non-intrusive way:

  • Customer’s name

  • E-mail address

  • Contact details (address, phone, etc)

  • Favorite ice cream flavor

  • The last car bought etc

To encourage and motivate users, you can award social, monetary, or other incentives.

Using the BeeLiked platform you can also get access to game analytics and performance metrics such as sessions, entries, channel attribution, answers to questions (e.g. quiz), clicks on Calls-To-Action, viral shares, purchases, and many other metrics and reports so you can:

  • Measure and analyze the ROI of your promotions

  • Optimize performance

  • Identify the most engaging players (qualify leads) and potential micro-influencers

  • Follow up on your most promising leads to grow customer advocacy 

  • Share the success and insights of your marketing and loyalty campaigns with your team and senior executives

Segmentation and personalization are very important to drive conversion, develop trust and build customer loyalty. The more you can mold your marketing efforts to your target audience, the more effective your campaigns will be. Gamification allows for two types of personalization:

  • gamification based on players’ likes and player types

  • gamification based on customer data and demographics

Gamification takes personalization to the next level. With gamification, you can create a truly immersive and interactive experience tailored to your customers’ likes and needs.

You can create custom experiences targeted to specific audiences or segments and link these game experiences to your brand values. Gamification allows you to connect with your customers on a deeper and more authentic level.

As a Marketer, you need to understand your audience so you can continually adapt your marketing strategies to be more effective. One way of doing this is by undertaking market research to collect audience and customer feedback.

It’s not easy to convince people to take and complete a survey. Gamification, however, offers a more engaging and fun approach to your market research so you can gather insights about your audience and customer preferences in a scalable and non-intrusive way.

Games can create a sense of intrinsic motivation that grows over time. A successful interactive gamified promotion taps into our need for competition, rewards, and status; this creates opportunities for you to increase audience engagement, participation, loyalty, and influence and drive specific behaviors.

As a marketer, you can incorporate gamification and interactivity at almost every touchpoint in your customers’ journey.

Gamification techniques can be used to attract customers, build brand loyalty, create deeper connections, and give your customers a reason to keep returning to your brand and purchase your products and services. 

If your promotion offers an incentive such as social reward, vouchers or coupons, or special content, make sure you match the appropriate incentive with your target audience. What does your audience want and what will motivate them?

The end goal is to boost sales and drive revenue.

Millennials grew up in a digitalizing world, learning how to read, think, and connect with others using games. They are the generation that likes to be challenged and are almost immune to traditional forms of advertising.

Generation Z is the digitally connected generation. They grew up with smartphones and Snapchat and expect your campaigns to be interactive. 

Gamified and interactive content offers millennials and younger what they prefer and expect: easily digestible, bite-sized, engaging interactive content. Gamification will give your marketing the edge it needs to cut through the noise and stay competitive and effective in the near future.

Our Promotion Types

We have a wide range of promotion types for you to choose from.

Ready to engage your audience?

Learn how easy it is to get started with gamification.

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